Feedback on Gaza Talks/Interviews

Eva Bartlett’s presentation on Gaza should be heard by every American, including every single member of Congress. I am quite sure that they would end the American taxpayers’ financial support of the Israeli Occupation of Palestine if they only knew the horrors our money was paying for. Bartlett spoke beautifully, in a clear, articulate voice, presenting all the details of Israeli atrocities in a most professional manner. Her speech contained no rhetoric or pretense, with no hint of ego; she just described the facts that she has witnessed living in Gaza for several years. Her modest and captivating demeanor made her presentation all the more powerful. I strongly recommend everyone to make every effort to attend a presentation by Eva Bartlett, or organize one yourself if there are none nearby. It is a real privilege to hear her speak.

–Jane Jewell, 14 Friends of Palestine, founder


Yesterday’s event with Eva Bartlett was one of the most lucid, horrific and provocative presentations I have experienced in many, many years.

–Bob May, Denver Colorado


Eva Bartlett represents a new type of independent journalist and advocate, one powered by social justice and by the web to tell stories the corporate media do not tell. An incredibly courageous young woman, Bartlett has risked her life to tell the stories of Gaza farmers and fishermen under fire. Clearly, her conscience drives her reports of the violent and protracted modern struggle between Israel and Palestine in the Gaza Strip.

–Dianne Heimer, Journalism Department Chair, Sacramento City College


Dear Eva,
If you are ever plan to come to Texas anymore, please contact me. Our group would like to consider sponsoring you as a speaker. I viewed your power-point presentation your gave in Austin,Texas about Gaza and it blew me away. The entire world needs to hear your powerful speech.
We also have a Billboard website:

–Yours in the struggle, Bob


Today Eva spoke in UCC and tonight she is speaking in Galway. Eva spoke with passion and knowledge and experience of what she has witnessed and shared many reports and actualities that do not reach us on mainstream censored media. Both adults and young people entered in discourse and left with much more information and hopefully a passion to share and create further awareness and change. Do not miss out on this opportunity to hear direct reports from Eva following Eva’s years of experience living through the atrocities of 2008/9 and 2012.

-Eileen Carr, Dublin, Ireland


Thanks very much for your informative and professional talk today at UCC in Cork. I do not know how you kept so calm while presenting those true images without getting angry or breaking down with emotion, especially the ones of the injured and dead children. If I were presenting it, then it would just be too much for me to handle.
I was amazed by the way you would stand up to the soldiers with nothing more than a loud speaker. I would not be brave enough to stand up to them with a gun in my hand. You are truly an outstanding, brave and courageous woman and it was a pleasure to meet you.
Wishing you safety, happiness and a long life.

-Trevor Lawrance, Cork, Ireland


Great to meet you last night Eva. Your commitment to human rights and justice and willingness to put your life on the line is truly inspiring. I know the tour is not about you, but in sharing the human stories from Palestine with audiences to try and mobilise them to take action to support justice. Nevertheless, there are not many people brave enough to stand between Israeli soldiers firing live weapons and Palestinian farmers in Gaza. Some of the Palestinian samud is definetely in your soul. Palestine will be free.

-Hilary Minch, Kinsale, Ireland


Thank you Eva Bartlett for sharing your inside knowledge of Gaza and the suffering of the people with us yesterday evening. You are one inspirational and very brave woman. I haven’t stopped thinking about it since I left the Friary …….all night questions and thoughts just kept coming to me. 

–Sally Thelen, Kinsale, Ireland


Tonight I had the pleasure to meet and listen to an amazing young woman and activist, Eva Bartlett. Eva is going around the world to educate people about the dire situation in Gaza and the urgent need for us in civil society to take action to prevent a humanitarian disaster.

Eva has first hand experience of life in Gaza having spent some time there. Her presentation was thorough, forthright and delivered with the passion of someone who has been truly affected by what she experienced in the Gaza strip. To see the photo’s and video’s along with the individual stories Eva recounted, remembering every person by name, brings home how desperate the situation in Gaza is and how much they need our voices.  I would also urge people to go to any events Eva may have in the future and to help bring Eva to your countries so she can continue to raise awareness about Gaza.

–Robby Martin, Dublin, Ireland


I attended your presentation in Café Rialta in Belfast last night and I just wanted to drop you a mail and thank you.  It was a moving, informative and mobilising talk that kept me awake for most of the night.  I do some activism for Palestine but not nearly enough  – you’ve given me the boost to up my game. 
Ádh mór,

–Jackie Bradley, Belfast, Ireland


Eva Bartlett speaking in the Palestine Aid Offices in Belfast tonight as part of her world wide tour raising awareness about the continued plight of the indigenous population in Palestine. Among the 41 people present included members of the Belfast and District Trade Council. Representatives of Northern Ireland Public Service Alliance, a Nobel peace prize Laureat, Palestinian Political Supporters, and humanItarian activists. We all demand peace with Justice for Palestine.

-Fra Hughes [see Palestine Aid page]


I would encourage everyone to watch Eva Bartlett’s excellent presentation on Gaza, and then commit themselves to solidarity with the Palestinian people in their nonviolent struggle for an end to Israeli apartheid and occupation of Palestine.

–Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate


Eva’s presentation and lived experience of doing Palestine solidarity work in Gaza are crucial platforms for educating and motivating people- from the seasoned Palestine solidarity activist/organizer to the general public. Her stories, insights, videos, photos, and more convict us to remember that Gaza matters, and that we must continue to uplift Gaza in the struggle towards greater peace, justice, and liberation with and for Palestinians.

-Alexander Abbasi, Harvard Palestine Solidarity Committee


I attended two of Eva’s three talks in Boston and Cambridge, amid audiences that hung on her every word, People who thought they knew something about the situation in Gaza told her during the Q & A that they were astonished at what they were hearing and seeing, and by her courage and that of Palestinian farmers and fishermen who endured daily – often lethal – attacks from the Israeli army to keep their families fed. Her powerful videos and photographs and the experiences she shared make it utterly imperative that we raise our voices as loud as we can against Israel’s criminal actions subsidized with US tax dollars, and that we spread the word far and wide about Eva’s future talks. Her truth-telling opens eyes and hearts.

–Nancy Murray,


Many thanks for your powerful presentation last night. I’m sure it was a profound experience for the over 50 people who attended, and will certainly raise awareness in Chico about the brutality of the Israeli government against innocent Palestinians.  When Howard Hardee’s article comes out on Thursday, I will send you the link, and you can post it to your blog.
I am humbled today, with a renewed deep sadness about the plight of the Palestinian people, and a renewed dedication to spreading the word, telling their story, and building the movement for justice for Palestinians.
 –Emily Alma, Chico

You have an amazing story to share! Most of the speakers we get here are from the West Bank, but your story from Gaza was truly “mindboggling”. The risks you took, the love and compassion you have for the people in Gaza was truly difficult to hear because of all of the courage you displayed in laying your life down for them. Thank you again, for sharing your story! Thank you mostly for going and being willing to serve as a peacemaker.

–Dottie Villesvik


Your presentation yesterday in Walnut Creek left me in such profound pain that I’m still recovering. My pain comes from having travelled back to Gaza with every word you articulated, THANK YOU SO MUCH. You gave us vivid images in words and through the still faces of dead Palestinians who were dead just for having been born in that part of the world. Your mission to give back our humanity and maintaining empathy for those brutally treated emerged with extraordinary passion and determination to be denounced. May your journey in sharing your message with the world be always safe. Let Love be free within you.

–Monin Eduardo Mendez


Thank you for your visit and for the splendid program. It was amazing that no one left during the long wait for the second projector. I am sure everyone felt the wait was worth it. The amount of donations was very high – $739 for Maia Project! This is the most we have ever received at one event. The children of Gaza thank you, too. I think the attenders were so generous because they felt so terrible about what they saw in your presentation. The Maia Project gives people a chance to do something positive. They can feel they are helping. It won’t change policies or the big picture, but at least some children can drink clean water. Steve thinks people thought they were donating to support you, but I think you made it clear that it was for Maia.

–Wendy Hartley, Grass Valley, CA 


Having been active in Canada for a number of years now in the pursuit of justice and peace for the Palestinian people, Eva’s presentation about Israeli brutality and the indiscriminate infliction of suffering on the people of Gaza, complete with graphic and heart-wrenching images, is among the most inspiring I’ve witnessed to date. Her absolute solidarity, her desire to speak the truth of the human rights atrocities and widespread destruction of property perpetrated by the Israeli army all along the Gaza Strip, done with the silent complicity and financial support of the Canadian and US governments and leaders, is an essential message that ordinary people need to hear and see in order that sufficient public moral outrage can be built and eventually become transformative, as it became in South Africa, we’re remembering in recent weeks with the death of Nelson Mandela, to overcome that apartheid regime. And it’s so hard to get in and out of Gaza that most activists have concentrated on the settlements and other policies related to the occupation in the West Bank, thus making her witness about Gaza even more important.

Our North American hands are not just dirty but filthy with regard to our appalling ignorance and silence about what is being done in our name, and Eva’s presentation deserves, and needs, to be seen and heard by thousands of us! Don’t miss the opportunity to be awakened, however difficult it might be, to the truth of the ethnic cleansing, colonialism and land theft imposed upon the Palestinian people, especially as we come to see the parallels between their situation and that of the indigenous peoples of this Turtle Island upon which the vast majority of us walk as settlers!

May your prophetic voice continue to ring out, Eva! Thanks be to God for your witness!

–Brian McIntosh, United Church of Canada, United Network for Justice and Peace in Palestine and Israel


Gaza witness Eva Bartlett gives her audience a painful, compassionate portrait of her direct experiences in Gaza since 2007. Personally, it brought me to tears reminding me of being a Jewish teen again, seeing images and hearing the stories of the horrors of the Nazi holocaust. (How ironic that the abused now become the abusers.)

Eva is straight with her audience, reporting what she’s observed and been directly involved in. Through raw video and photos, she shows us the actions and consequences of the Israeli Army and Egypt border control, without embellishment. She remembers the names, faces and places of every Palestinian she interacted with, visited with, watched die, etc. and opens everyone’s eyes and hearts, making her audience see and acknowledge the humanity of the people she witnessed. She herself has been repeatedly shot at, arrested and beaten by Israeli soldiers.

She is extremely articulate; she claims her speaking to groups in Canada is a form of therapy for her. The audience really responded well to her and asked about her well-being and motivations.

Through her presentation, Eva compels us to see the Palestinians not as vengeful terrorists, but people who desperately desperately want the basics of life — shelter, clean water, food, employment, free movement, hydro, sewage treatment, ,and to be healthy, productive, loving parents and children.

–Judy Goldschmidt, Founder Mid-Islanders for Justice and Peace in the Middle East/Comox Valley, BC chapter


Eva Bartlett gave a talk on the situation inside Gaza at the University Of Victoria, sponsored by Independent Jewish Voices and the University Social Justice Program on November 27th 2013. She mesmerized the audience by her descriptions of what she had directly witnessed, which was illustrated by extraordinary photos and live footage. She was very succinct in her presentation and remained remarkably calm, given the emotional nature of her material. She handled questions well and authoritatively. I would highly recommend her to speak to any group who want to know exactly what is going on in Gaza. Overall I would rate her ‘state-of-the-art’.

–Adrian Fine, Independent Jewish Voices, Victoria, BC


A few days after you were here, I met a woman who was at Eva’s presentation and she said how impressed she was and that it was the best presentation she had seen on the subject and she particularly liked how Eva handled the man that left with his comment on propaganda.

–Dr. Carole Roy, Victoria, BC


Eva your talk here in Boulder was astounding. You are one brave woman. Not much of what you reported was new I had read human rights reports and followed closely while Cast Lead was taking place even though Israel banned journalist from going in. The Goldstone Report was so informative and brutal. But your personal experience took it up a notch you were in the thick of things. You have been a witness. Extraordinary. Thank you for your amazing work and bravery and your commitment to social justice and human rights. Folks should really take the time to go hear Eva speak about her direct experiences and witnessing to the human rights crimes being committed by Israel.

–Kathleen, Boulder, CO


A great presentation by Eva Bartlett, thanks for your well delivered presentation and for putting it into context, I always wondered about the real situation in Gaza, now I have a better understanding, thank you.

–Kwanwah’tala Galis, Nanaimo, BC


Thank you @EvaBartlettGaza for the extraordinary presentation this evening and thank you for your courageous work!

–Kip Wood


Though our group has been engaged with the Gaza issue for years and includes members from Iraq and Palestine, we were deeply moved, better educated and ultimately inspired to strengthen our solidarity efforts by Eva’s outstanding presentation. Her calm, clear and compassionate revelation of “facts on the ground” for the people of Gaza was unlike anything we had seen before. Her talk and images are something every Canadian adult should see and hear. Her courage and commitment inspires us to do more to halt this cruel injustice.

–Mark Haley, Organizer, Kelowna Peace Group


Eva Bartlett tells it like it is with grace and the authority of eyewitness experience. Everyone, especially Canadians, could benefit from this first hand view, illustrated with photographs and video footage of the plight of Gazans under the guns of US-backed Israeli forces. For Canadians the parallels between the oppression, violence and land theft experienced by indigenous people here and what is now happening to Palestinians are striking. Her focus is on the daily anxieties, the farmers being shot at as they work their fields and the lives of children under an illegal blockade. Not a presentation that children should view and not one that any responsible adult should miss.

–Amber Nedelec, Kelowna BC


For witnesses like Eva Bartlett, getting the truth out to Americans is a painstaking process. If people of conscience knew the crimes our tax dollars support, they would be outraged. Cindy & Craig Corrie, the brave parents of Rachel Corrie, were there, keeping on. Such dignity. God bless them. Thank you Eva for this superb and heartrending presentation. It is impossible to hear it and just return to life as usual.

–Joanne Quinn


I want to reach out and your courage is inspiring. Maybe someday I’ll be brave enough to go to Gaza, until then I am thankful for people like you who share your stories. Thank you so much. Peace.

–Linda Newton


I wanted to thank you again for speaking out on behalf of all the Palestinians. No words can explain my gratitude for all what you are doing for the Palestinian cause.

It was a great pleasure meeting you.

Haytham, Pittsburgh


I just had a long talk with the sponsors of Eva Bartlett’s presentation in Halifax. Judy Haiven said that Eva’s presentation was outstanding, the most exciting and inspirational speaker she has ever heard. Eva, she said, is personally amazingly courageous, brilliant, politically astute, and wise, and her eloquent presentation includes powerful videos and photographs which graphically illustrate the disastrous impact of the Israeli blockade on ordinary people of Gaza. Eva accompanied, interviewed and photographed farmers being shot in their fields, fisherfolk being attacked with water cannons, wounded children in hospitals and the doctors who tried to treat them, and much more. Judy said that the talk brought many in the audience to tears and brought home to herself (a very well informed person) the catastrophic, brutal reality of living under blockade in Gaza. I strongly urge you to urge everyone you know to come to her talk.

–Diana Ralph, founder of Independent Jewish Voices


Thank you for enlightening me on the Gaza situation. Several times I have seen pictures of Israeli tanks lined up at the Gaza border but had no idea of the constant harassment of the Gaza people by the Israeli army.

What you showed us on Thursday night in Nanaimo was nothing less than genocide!!! Thank you for caring and putting your life on the line for the people of Gaza!

–Eva Hilborn, Nanaimo


Such a calm, articulate, intelligent & courageous young woman. Eva has more integrity in her little toe than exists in the entire US senate. She is a front line soldier in the war for truth & we should all emulate her example & stand up, & speak out for truth & justice !Thank you for this broadcast, it has renewed my faith in some of humanity at least.



Excellent interview on the Jack Blood show today. You are a hero. Any info on activist groups in the Atlanta area would be greatly appreciated. Peace and love to you and all who deserve it!



Eva’s Gaza presentation is filled with remarkable first-hand stories, beautiful and disturbing images that inform her audience about the realities the Palestinians encounter on a daily basis. Mainstream media cannot be counted on to give us the true story…Eva can & does.

-Sara Driscoll, Jamaica Plain, MA


Eva Bartlett radiates passion for and commitment to the people of Gaza. Her presentation at Morgan State University was completely engrossing; and we are looking forward to having her return to our campus very soon.

-Darryl L. Peterkin, PhD, Director, University Honors Program, Morgan State University


from Dublin:

This evening in Dublin Eva Bartlett spoke on Gaza to a very focused audience on current and past years in Gaza. There was footage from the 2008/9 massacres and also from 2012, along with the devastating floods of 2013 and the almost impossible existence of the farmers and fishermen. There was interactive discussion that went on for hours afterward whilst people enjoyed refreshments and Palestinian food, having also watched many short documentaries made by the Welcome to Gaza Convoy of 2013 that I took part in.

People commented that their eyes were opened and that they would view the world and world political complicity in the suffering of the people of Gaza very differently now. People wanted to know what they do could to end this devastating destruction of a people and a way of life. This is the purpose of this tour…to highlight the situation not covered by mainstream media and act upon it. The will is there…it needs to be taken up strongly by those who can.

The evening was attended by MEP Emer Costello who will meet with Eva, myself and Martin Quigley in her position as MEP with special interest in Palestine to discuss furthering of the process of Irish and the occupiers relationship. many thanks to all who attended and to the way that we all worked together for a very succesful event. Especially Tigeress Eye (Fatin al Tamimi), Martin Quigley, Kevin Squires, Robby Martin, Kifah Ajamiah and other members of the IPSC.  A young member of the audience, an extremely bright and insightful young man, commented that though he is at the end of his formal secondary schooling that he had been very unaware of this now. He was greatly disturbed that this is the situation. Goodnight all…goodnight Gaza.

-Eileen Carr, Dublin, Ireland

Mount Allison University, Centre for International Studies: Eva Bartlett: An Eye Inside Gaza

12 thoughts on “Feedback on Gaza Talks/Interviews

  1. Having been active in Canada for a number of years now in the pursuit of justice and peace for the Palestinian people, Eva’s presentation about Israeli brutality and the indiscriminate infliction of suffering on the people of Gaza, complete with graphic and heart-wrenching images, is among the most inspiring I’ve witnessed to date. Her absolute solidarity, her desire to speak the truth of the human rights atrocities and widespread destruction of property perpetrated by the Israeli army all along the Gaza Strip, done with the silent complicity and financial support of the Canadian and US governments and leaders, is an essential message that ordinary people need to hear and see in order that sufficient public moral outrage can be built and eventually become transformative, as it became in South Africa, we’re remembering in recent weeks with the death of Nelson Mandela, to overcome that apartheid regime. And it’s so hard to get in and out of Gaza that most activists have concentrated on the settlements and other policies related to the occupation in the West Bank, thus making her witness about Gaza even more important.
    Our North American hands are not just dirty but filthy with regard to our appalling ignorance and silence about what is being done in our name, and Eva’s presentation deserves, and needs, to be seen and heard by thousands of us! Don’t miss the opportunity to be awakened, however difficult it might be, to the truth of the ethnic cleansing, colonialism and land theft imposed upon the Palestinian people, especially as we come to see the parallels between their situation and that of the indigenous peoples of this Turtle Island upon which the vast majority of us walk as settlers!
    May your prophetic voice continue to ring out, Eva! Thanks be to God for your witness!

  2. Eva Bartlett radiates passion for and commitment to the people of Gaza. Her presentation at Morgan State University was completely engrossing; and we are looking forward to having her return to our campus very soon.

  3. I attended two of Eva’s three talks in Boston and Cambridge, amid audiences that hung on her every word, People who thought they knew something about the situation in Gaza told her during the Q & A that they were astonished at what they were hearing and seeing, and by her courage and that of Palestinian farmers and fishermen who endured daily – often lethal – attacks from the Israeli army to keep their families fed. Her powerful videos and photographs and the experiences she shared make it utterly imperative that we raise our voices as loud as we can against Israel’s criminal actions subsidized with US tax dollars, and that we spread the word far and wide about Eva’s future talks. Her truth-telling opens eyes and hearts.

  4. Hi Eva, I saw your show on the Richie Allen Show. You are a great journalist, it is refreshing to see journalists that seek the truth and that is all we can ask for. There are few of you left out there. The corporate media here in the US, is a big sham, especially listening to them concerning foreign policy and now the elections. You can see their blatant lies and they have no shame. They sound like robots repeating news instead of providing news. They are parrots not journalists and they make me sick. There have been some very prominent journalists fired from media for telling the truth.

    Concerning Syria, I think it would be important for the American people to understand the WHY of what is going on in Syria to get their support because they are considered low information peoples. They have been trained to understand the world with small information sound bites. Very few do the research on anything especially foreign affairs. They believe what they hear from the corporate media. “If it is on the news, it must be true”. This is because the Corporations keep them in debt slavery working hard just to keep their head above water that they don’t have time, knowledge or understanding of others overseas but they are a great people and when the tide turns and the tiger is awakened they will do the right thing. They are a people with a big heart and they carry big stick. So, it is important to help them understand the WHY of what is going on in Syria. Right now all the news is so confusing with all the lies over there that they are not going to pay attention. I believe this is deliberate to keep everyone in the dark so that the powers to be can get what they are trying to do done. I am sure someone knows whats going on but it doesn’t change the WHY.

    I have an opinion about the WHY but I don’t have enough information to write about it. President Assad spoke about it in a couple of interviews and I’ve seen other writings about it and its related to oil and Israel and control of the region. So, lets hear more about why are all these countries are so interested in Syria. They can’t tell me its about human rights. There are many other areas in the world that have worst problems yet they all these countries don’t send in all these weapons, money and fire power to support them. So Why is all this happening in Syria.

  5. Hi Eva! You really inspire me I would really like to ask you some questions regarding your carreer path and how you got to where you are today. I am planning on working as a international human rights journalist, although I am quite overwhellmed with what Human Rights Groups are independant and legitimate that I can work with. If I may ask, if you could find some time to contact me it would mean a lot.


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