Palestinian artists in Gaza

During my years in Gaza, I’ve met many talented artists whose work and photos should be viewed outside of the Strip.  I share below some of Gaza’s beauty.  Feel free to contact the artists directly, particularly if you wish to buy their art and support their work.


-Salman Nawati, Email:, Flickr page

Port Art on the Siege:

DSC09135 salman painting 7 salman painting 11 DSC09130 DSC09124 salman painting 1 salman painting 9  salman painting 3salman painting 8   salman painting 6


8969219110_c56dc8f00d_b 221691_10150179827546634_2298033_n 8969207590_8d8923cf6e_b


-Nabil Abu Ghanima,

946849_10200419721188648_2032962053_n 13048_1253124121273_1585657_n 13048_1253219083647_7279276_n 150378_4120991496165_2111557575_n 296736_2296497604958_1417179281_n 399925_2899463558730_1074042408_n 405573_2829524770304_1844266968_n 418119_2899632762960_343082979_n 420825_2899662443702_179276120_n 422350_2899657763585_1099056180_n 486689_10200399253316964_1126549491_n 563428_4948978155314_1482384865_n


-Salem Awad,

 27011_1170503682321_3914921_n 14657_1096290947049_4001030_n 14657_1096312947599_334910_n 27011_1170493362063_1570360_n 27011_1170493442065_6628382_n 27011_1170493522067_6143890_n 27011_1170494162083_5144561_n 27011_1170503162308_4902435_n 27011_1170503362313_1942196_n


Basel El Maqosui, basel502(Skype),

The colors of love – the love of flowers 2006 – 2015

“Gaza, for many people was always a question mark, even for me. Whenever I see Gaza in the media; I don’t recognize it, it is so different from what I know and what I live through. In the media; Gaza is blockade, bombardment, explosions, rockets, violence, struggle, terror and resistant. For me it is my coffee in the morning, the children walking to school, the see breeze on my face, the shadow of the sun on a blooming flower, the little girl selling showing gum and fine papers at the traffic light, the doodles of the young boys at the walls, the little fear on the face of my 6 years old sun when the sudden power outage, and his shy smile when I put on a lamp or light a candle. Gaza is the access restricted areas and the sparkling lights at the surface of the see, the closed borders and the laughter’s of my friends smoking shisha while watching the sun set, the farmer keying over his land and the lady teacher, the angry drivers and welcoming shopkeepers
The Gaza I know is not that one in the media, Gaza I know is full of life, all the life with all what life could contain, pain, happiness, success and failed, despair and hope, dark and light. Gaza is not black and white. In Gaza there are all the colors of the rainbow.”




Mohammed al Hawajari,, website

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Emad Badwan,

521485_4093125566864_1757320906_n 166962_2506885111844_757319210_n 293693_2483832735549_1900187631_n 294035_2491011435012_1893004139_n 299370_2483839415716_813441382_n 306750_2483840535744_1792885546_n 306962_2483834135584_954243436_n 307560_2483837935679_248722985_n 310141_2483835815626_451724219_n 316224_2506884111819_144411303_n 316445_2483832055532_1165278315_n 316633_2552920822708_1743051281_n 318423_2506886271873_1546127414_n 318971_2483837575670_307981568_n 484355_4093140487237_417074531_n

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