Highlighting the Peace Damascus Missed for Years When Under Terrorists’ Mortars

As I mentioned at the beginning of this clip, when in Syria as a journalist it usually takes 3 or so days to acquire the necessary permissions to go to areas outside Damascus (or rather, areas outside of Damascus where there is a risk due to presence of terrorists, terrorists bombings, or their landmines).

During this time, instead of loitering I try to interview average Syrian civilians, sometimes artisans, and otherwise love walking alone in the meandering back lanes, absorbing the atmosphere–whether daytime or evening.

People ask me about safety: I feel completely safe walking alone in these lanes. In contrast from my first visit in 2014 to the liberation of eastern Ghouta in 2018, I did not feel safe, nor did Syrian civilians, because at any moment a terrorist-fired mortar might strike, as they did incessantly over the years.

As I noted a few weeks ago when I was here, the mood on the streets is completely difference than in previous years. Yes, people remained steadfast and defiant in the face of the terrorism, but now streets are busier than before, late into the night. That doesn’t make a good “story”, so Western media are not, to my knowledge, reporting on this. Instead, I see new stories invented to yet again attempt to demonize Syria or Russia, instead of just allowing Syrians to get back to life. It’s for the hell Syrians have endured and the silence of the media on this hell that I continue to post positive updates while in Damascus.


-US-Backed Terrorism in Syria: A First-Hand Account of the Use of Mortars Against Civilians, Eva Bartlett, September 12, 2014 https://www.globalresearch.ca/us-backed-terrorism-in-syria-a-first-hand-account-of-the-use-of-mortars-against-civilians/5401390

-University Hospital, Damascus: Meeting Victims of Western-backed Mortar and Rocket Terrorism https://ingaza.wordpress.com/2015/03/03/university-hospital-damascus-meeting-victims-of-western-backed-mortar-and-rocket-terrorism/

-Damascus Walks: Glimpses of Normal Life Without Terrorism, Jan 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoZVxedii_w&

-Revisiting Areas Mortared by Terrorists Before Peace Was Restored, Damascus, Jan 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZVpyZP8wyU&

-Mortars Which Terrorized Damascus Residents Fall No More, Jan 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3dDmv1VbM8

-Steel Artisan From Old Damascus On Life Without Terrorism, Jan 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=purbIveKq7s&

-Damascus Late 2018 Festive Atmosphere Without Terrorists’ Bombings, Dec 2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATo8_bKwtog&

-Damascus Wood Worker: Traditions Continue, People Return, Jan 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Wj9-LwUAb8&

-Tour of traditional Old Damascus home damaged by terrorists’ mortar attacks, April 2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNXvqg856S8&

-Damascus sweet shop owner fled eastern Ghouta when terrorists came, April 2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AfFwObjkfs&

-Reflections on how Damascus used to be hammered with terrorists mortars, not now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JT2I6GPVF4&

-Three Year Old Girl Critically Injured by Terrorist Mortar, Syria, Feb 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y0iIclOoHw

-Terrorist Mortars on Damascus, Apr 2014


-Children injured by shelling of Manar school Apr 15 2014


-Giovanni store Damascus: How the Situation Affects his Business


9 thoughts on “Highlighting the Peace Damascus Missed for Years When Under Terrorists’ Mortars

  1. These are moments of glory for the Syrian people. How strong they stood against the vile forces is a huge example of victory of truth over tyranny. They are the living inspiration for the mankind in 21st century. Even Thanks to you on this heroic presentation of journalism. We rarely find such an example of journalism by definition. How you exposed the terrorists, MSM, American agenda and prevented the regime from getting a bad name. It’s sad to see that when you deserve a massive support and you certainly get some of it, most the world is still living in the dark.

  2. Bless you Eva.

    Love Is The Answer Mark R. Elsis An environmentalist, filmmaker, poet, web entrepreneur / developer and writer, here to protect our future generations.

  3. Mopping up with tears, rivers of tears, with memories and eons of visions ~ no amount of renewed bright lights and biz as usual can relieve the anguish; The temerity of the actions by the US State Dept …words cannot describe the insanity of wanting to destroy President al Assad and all that he stood for..All that this sovereign Secular nation stood for…
    Overlooked by the MSM, the the unbearable hegemony and voracious imperialism Uhhh No they were told what to look for and what to say by the US State Dept. No perspective of Syria could portray any part of it’s history/culture/ as antagonistic outside the state of laws.The gambits played by the US State Dept run afoul of human dignty…”overlook this”
    I guess there’s no less WTF with the UN ~ EPIC FAIL as usual…but controlled by the US and Israhell } saddly easily anticipated.
    The Russian base in Tartus makes me feel this was the root cause for US State Dept to play the Color Rev in Damascus + for sure >>> the Gas Pipeline anticipated by that other branch of gubmint Wall St. Another maneuver to subjugate Russia with gas pipeline to Turkey (but now maybe our ‘friend’)) that Wall St wanted and that they would be protected by the US Mercenaries ..now exiting THX to D. Trump NO Matter the reason…It would be best to send your appreciation to him and hopefully Leave Eva with no tragedies and no resurrections to keep us informed about.

  4. PS: Eva, have you seen this Documentary “Of Fathers and Sons”? the page on him in Asia Times sure makes him and his film an attraction for ‘us’.

  5. Not only loved the clip showing a taste of Syria’s streets and thankfully a more peaceful time but adding that quote from the brewers of Syria’s Afamia Beer was a priceless view of the humanity and resiliency of a beautiful people. Besides, what’s not to love about a people that have been brewing beer for over 4,000 years! 🙂
    Thanks Eva, for sharing this and for your wonderful reports.

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