Thank you Spencer Latu for writing this letter.

Friends, please consider sharing widely, & if Canadian sending the letter to your respective MP:


Please copy/paste the following letter, or add your own flair, and email it to your local parliamentary representative regarding the vote on the Emergencies Act in Parliament. Since we are in a minority government, emailing NDP MPs has a huge impact.

You can add any subject line. You can find the contact information of your representative here: https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en/search

Letter-writing works, so please share widely and with your friends!

Dear [MP],

I write to you as a concerned citizen from your riding, asking you to represent me and many others in Parliament and to oppose Justin Trudeau’s federal invocation of the Emergencies Act, RSC 1985, c 22 (4th Supp) (“Emergencies Act”). This measure comes in response to demonstrations in Ottawa and across the country regarding COVID-19 restrictions, including vaccine mandates. I urge you to instead approach this situation by listening to the demands of countless Canadians and removing the restrictions provincially. Many provinces have begun doing so. I also urge you to vote against the Emergencies Act.

On February 15, 2022, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (“CCLA”), a nonpartisan organization dedicated to the defense of civil liberties and constitutional rights, wrote: “The federal government has not met the threshold necessary to invoke the Emergencies Act. This law creates a high and clear standard for good reason: the Act allows government to bypass ordinary democratic processes. This standard has not been met.” They noted that implementing the Act at this time “threatens our democracy and our civil liberties.”

Please defend our democracy and civil liberties. Canadian banks have begun freezing assets of those who have donated to the aforementioned demonstrations and their personal information is being shared. The Emergencies Act will legalize a further invasion of privacy, which is a dangerous slippery slope. Trudeau has also suspended Parliament, violating the law requiring uninterrupted debate concerning the implementation of a new emergency power.

You have the opportunity to represent Canadians in Parliament and defend us against a severe overreach of power. I urge you to vote against the Emergencies Act and to represent your constituents.




  1. Dear Eva:

    I am an American citizen; thus, I am not eligible to write letters to Canadian Parliamentary members – although, I applaud your effort. Enclosed is a long 5-hour U.S. Senator Ron Johnson’s hearing, providing the forum for many very honest and distinguished doctors speaking the truth of Covid-19 being a VERY TREATABLE disease with almost 100% survival rate if patients are treated early with the correct & inexpensive drugs; unfortunately, the U.S. NIH & FDA, politicians & gov’t agencies are totally corrupt and are being paid off by Big Pharma which are GREEDY and wanting to make big money on jabbing people, discouraging doctors to treat Covid-19 patients, allowing patients to DIE…. So Evil. 😦

    I hope you will be able to listen the entire hearing: “COVID-19: A Second Opinion”

    Senator Ron Johnson —— January 24, 2022 https://rumble.com/vt62y6-covid-19-a-second-opinion.html

    Melody p.s. Thank GOD for Canadian Ramble which provides the platform to host this very IMPORTANT video – this TRUTH-telling video wouldn’t have survived the U.S. evil Youtube censorship …..


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