while eating chips and chocolate, Israeli soldiers murder 2 and 7 year old


*ambulance crushed by Israeli soldiers as the driver tried to reach critically-injured children just shot by Israeli soldiers

-by Eva Bartlett

Violation after violation of international law, and the Geneva Conventions, are being revealed and documented as Palestinians’ testimonies are taken of their aggressors and assassins, the Israeli soldiers and those authorities who commanded the slaughter of over 1,400 Palestinians in 3 weeks of incomprehensible bombing and terrorizing of the people of Gaza. Not only are testimonies being taken [more testimonies], but remnants of the illegal weapons and activities of the Israeli army in Gaza are being collected and documented for prosecution of the war criminals of Israel. [US lawyers report on Israeli crimes in Gaza] One of the more profound criminal acts little-discussed in the corporate media is Israel’s encaging of 1.5 million citizens while bombarding them, meaning that:

“No children, women, sick people or disabled people were allowed to leave. For the first time, the option of becoming a refugee has been withheld,” as highlighted by Richard Falk, the UN’s special rapporteur on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Nothing was ‘surgical’ about Israel’s strikes except the countless amputations that followed.

The sordid case of Khaled Abed Rabbo is among the numerous instances of clearly unarmed civilians –who by all accounts of survivors were not in an area of ‘crossfire’ or ‘clashes’ –being shot point-blank by invading Israeli soldiers. In this case 3 out of 4 of the civilians were children: Amal, a 2 year old girl and Souad, a 7 year old girl, both shot dead; and Samar, a 4 year old girl, now paralyzed from her multiple shots.  Abed Rabbo’s mother, also named Souad, was targeted, also at close range.  All were denied medical aid.

Neighbour Samiah Al Sheekh had taken his ambulance only metres down the track between his home and that of Abed Rabbo’s when Israeli soldiers ordered him out, beat him, and using a bulldozer rammed the ambulance into Al Sheekh’s home.  “They put explosives by my home and destroyed the ambulance and my house,” he recounted.

Abed Rabbo has told whoever will listen about the murder of his children: “I tried to protect my children, to go back inside. They didn’t stop shooting,” he said, referring to the 3 Israeli soldiers by a tank outside his home who had ordered the family out then gunned them down.  Particularly poignant in Khaled Abed Rabbo’s recollection of the moment is that the soldiers displayed a calm, leisurely snacking on junk food while ordering the residents of his home outside.  Clearly, these armed soldiers felt no threat.

Hours after the shootings occurred and Khaled Abed Rabbo and family had carried the injured girls and grandmother over a mile to the main crossroads, Dawwar Zimmo, under still more Israeli soldier fire, he was finally able to flag down a car to take them to Kamal Adwan hospital, in Jabaliya. Amal and Souad arrived dead at the hospital.

Khaled Abed Rabbo, like 10s of other families throughout his neighbourhood, returned home to find his house destroyed, leveled by the explosives demolition that Israeli soldiers applied to the majority of the demolished homes in the area.

An L.A. Times report on a similar assassination in a different region, Zeitoun, quoted an unnamed Israeli army spokesman as saying: “As a matter of policy, we do not target civilians.”

As with so often when faced with the Israeli army’s justifications, the victims’ testimonies and corpses speak a different truth, in this instance of a calculated slaughter of unarmed civilians, of children.

reporting on Khaled Abed Rabbo:

on Samar Abed Rabbo

Gaza: ‘I watched an Israeli soldier shoot dead my two little girls’



*Khaled Abed Rabbo family outside his destroyed house.



related testimony: Witness reports that Israeli soldiers shot woman waving white flag in Gaza Strip

48 thoughts on “while eating chips and chocolate, Israeli soldiers murder 2 and 7 year old

  1. My suggestions for The Middle East:

    Use our influence to get the Saudis cede land for Palestinian state, in NW of Saudi Arabia along the Red Sea. Remove all Palestinians from Gaza and West Bank, away from the Jews so they could start building their new country, away from the Jews, with the help of the world, same way as some time ago the Jews did.
    This should be preceded by our alliance with Russia followed by Peace & Non Aggression Treaty between Israel and Syria and Israel and Iran. Together it would create a new climate in the Middle East. No more terrorists, real security for Israel, and peace and prosperity for the Palestinians and for the region. Hamas and Hezbollah would be old news. So would be the images of innocent children killed. Israelis would be in a position to help the Palestinians.

    I believe that Mr, Kuchner’s initiative of helping the Palestinians could be combined successfully with the aforementioned vision.

  2. […] a pregnant woman; targeting with sniper fire two medics I was with, during ceasefire hours; assassinating children and infants; drone-striking a 14-year-old during ceasefire hours; raining white […]

  3. Little does atheistic & murderous Israel realize the many biblical principles that have not gone away : “If you sow to the wind, you will surely reap the whirlwind.” and “Israel will receive double for her sins.”
    Time is coming very very soon that the true ceo and Divine Judge of the nations will be Returning without delay.
    He will execute His Judgment in Righteousness like none other and no one will be able to stand against Him.
    His Title (Name) is Yeshua ha Moshiach, the very Son of God as prophecied in Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22.

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