On Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook: the White Helmets coming the Canada is a dangerous development

Interview I did on July 26, with the wonderful Chris Cook, looking primarily at the White Helmets hoax. Listen here
*Apologies for the poor connection… perhaps I need to upgrade from my cheapo internet package (which comes with landline).

Related Links:

New fake ‘rescue’ scenes by White Helmets in Western media narrative on Syria. Stage & training scenes published as ‘real action’, July 29, 2018, Marcello Ferrada de Noli, Professor Emeritus and The Indicter chief editor
…Mayday Rescue is another alleged NGO, based in the Netherlands and funded directly by the UK FCO and the Conflict Stability and Security Fund (CSSF). Mayday Rescue was established by ex-MI5 founder of the White Helmets, James Le Mesurier, in 2014, one year after he set the White Helmets wheels in motion. MR was created as a convenient interface between the British government and its clandestine propaganda construct to enable the funnelling of funds to the White Helmets. Hardly an independent check and balance of the figures provided by the White Helmets, who issue those stats from inside Al Qaeda headquarters.”
“The assertion made by Al Masdar that the rescued rebel commanders had connections to Mossad is also in keeping with precedent, as the intelligence agency has long helped bolster terror groups throughout the region. For instance, Mossad has supported the terror group Jundallah, active in Iran and Pakistan, and the Iranian terror group Mujahedeen Khalq (MEK). And, as MintPress has previously reported, even some commanders of ISIS (Daesh) were later revealed to actually be Mossad agents following their capture. Assertions of an Israeli evacuation of rebel commanders, if confirmed, would prove Israel’s “humanitarian” rescue of White Helmets members and their families was aimed at protecting assets of Israeli and Western intelligence.”
-Ambassador Bashar al-Ja’afari: 
“The biggest scandal is that a UN agency operating in Damascus demanded the evacuation of 76 members of White Helmets from Eastern Ghouta, while paying no attention to the lives of thousands of civilians.”
“In Syria, through the Peace and Stabilization Operations Program, Canada helped legitimate civilian structures deliver basic services and fill the governance void that extremist organizations exploit. Additionally, in 2016-2017, Canada supported the Syria Civil Defence volunteers—the White Helmets. This was an effort to protect civilians and reduce conflict-related displacements through the development and expansion of early warning air raid systems.”   http://international.gc.ca/gac-amc/publications/odaaa-lrmado/report-rapport-16-17.aspx?lang=eng&_ga=2.111446285.826175620.1519679218-410310328.1519679218

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